Hale Koa Hotel Maile Tower翻新



我们的团队重新装修了11层楼, 包括396间标准及无障碍客房, of a 25-plus-year-old facility with an updated look comparable to hotels nearby. Clientele is active and retired members of the 美国 Armed Forces and their families. 业主的愿景, 为了满足客人的需要,必须不遗余力, was the driving force behind the design and implementation of the project. Our team worked diligently to meet the owner’s expectations of deliver the project on time and within budget. 团队领导和所有参与项目的人实施了项目, 与忠诚, the core values of our company throughout its duration: to positively impact the economic vitality of the surrounding area and to create a point of pride in the community whereby those involved see the finished project and feel inspired to say, “我帮助创造了这一切.”


当工人们, 客人, 当地居民看到了这种转变, many commented on its beauty and were delighted by how the renovation communicated the Hawaiian culture and spirit of Aloha. Adherence to authentic Hawaiian design lifted the spirits of all involved in its implementation, 包括Hale Koa的客户.

项目完成后举行了传统的夏威夷祝福仪式. 祝福, 夏威夷原住民的文化习俗, calls on the gods and spirits for their assistance to clear the space of bad thoughts and evil spirits and to protect and nurture sustainability, 成长与成功. 祝福 consists of an oli or chant to the higher power and ancestors, 祈祷和解开花环, 一种夏威夷的剪彩. The maile is a ceremonial plant that is a symbol of many traditional ideals and represents almost all of the native gods and goddesses, 盐和水用于清洁,钛叶用于保护.

The overall “newness” of the facility has been well received and will help maintain a positive comparison with surrounding properties and provide outstanding facilities for our service men and women.


This project required significant planning and coordination with the owner. The renovations occurred while keeping half of the hotel in full operation while sharing a common core and elevator bank area. This was accomplished with the use of physical barricades and signage provided in multiple languages.

在提案过程的早期, 澳门足彩app signed a highly qualified local mechanical contractor as a design-assist partner. 利用当地公司对房产的了解, the team was able to sequence floor shut-downs based on the vertical stacks of the plumbing and mechanical systems, 比预期的工期缩短了近6个月.

  • 11层,20万平方英尺的酒店装修
  • 396间标准及残疾人客房
  • 机电系统升级
  • Refurbishment of all guestrooms, corridors, laundry and vending rooms, seating and elevator lobbies
  • 建设逐步
  • 联合建造商及承建商卓越建造奖
  • 带双通阀的唯一一次可变流量系统
  • 变速压缩机冷水机组
  • 智能恒温器可以和前台沟通
  • 暖通空调设备, domestic water boilers and domestic water booster pumps connected and controlled by a new open protocol BACnet Direct Digital Controls system


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